Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Full Registration

I finally recieved my full registration documents. After two years of hard work (from lots of people) I have graduated from being a beginning teacher. I feel like there is still a long way to go on my journey though. A big thank you to everyone who helped me get here!


I have just started working at Pahiatua School in the last few weeks. This has resulted in me needing to develop a new organisation system to suit the environment I'm in.
After looking online I decided that what I wanted to develop was a set of drawers, which I could put resources for each day of the week with a space for next week too. This should hopefully keep my stuff tidy, organised and out of other people's way.
I bought two sets of three drawers from The Warehouse which Cameron kindly joined together in one unit. Then I designed a label that I could print out for each drawer. As my school is trying for reduce colour printing I chose to make a black and white label.
This is the finished result. I think it looks good, and will be very simple to use!

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Multiplication Activities

I was recently reading a blog that shared ideas for teaching multiplication to older students. It can easily become boring and repetitive for both the students and teachers to continually rehash the same activities and resources, so I was pleased to see this blog had a lot of original ideas.
I also thought that they seemed like good activities to send instructions home for parents to play with their children to help them practice.

Cooperative working in maths

Today in school room 5A were learning about the words fast and slow. After reading the hare and the tortoise, we discussed the difference between fast and slow and what things are fast and slow.
The students then went to work in two collaborative groups where they worked together to fill in a table of things which were fast or slow.
I was really impressed by the students' work in the groups. The most senior children have only been in school for four weeks but they all worked well, took turns, shared and encouraged each other.