Thursday, 29 October 2015


We have now been working on our PrEP project for three weeks. PrEP stands for Primary Enterprise Programme.

In room 10 we are creating products out of recycled materials under the 'eco challenge' theme.

There are four groups in this class and each student spent the first few weeks choosing what job they would like to undertake in their factory and writing an application which was submitted to Mrs McKnight and myself.

The jobs are
  1.  CEO - in charge of the group.
  2. Accountant - responsible for organising money and pay.
  3. Advertiser - in charge of creating adverts for their product.
  4. Designer - responsible for the appearance of the product.
  5. Cleaner - making sure the cleaning is done to a high standard at the end of the session.
  6. Worker - taking on the hard labour jobs.

I gave the students a design brief which they had to use to help them select a suitable product. They then pitched their products to the teachers before being advised if their product was a successful choice or not.
Design brief

  1. Environmentally friendly (made out of recycling).
  2. Safe for children.
  3. Colourful.
  4. Does a job.

Check back later to see some photographs of the students' prototypes and work in their production lines.

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