Monday, 16 January 2017

Charles Rennie Mackintosh

In P2/3 the students have been learning about Scotland as next week is Burns Night.

I decided to do some Scottish art with them and chose to look at Charles Rennie Mackintosh as his art is so iconic and reasonably easy to produce.

First we talked about who Charles Rennie Mackintosh was and then looking at some examples of his work, which the children were impressed with. We watched a video from YouTube by Nichole Hahn, who sounds like she comes from somewhere over the Atlantic.

The video was really good as it went through the process very clearly and step by step.

We then had some practice at drawing our flowers and using a ruler to draw straight lines before the students were to come up with two different design options. This was an important step as some of the pupils in the class struggled to draw the roses initially but the practice opportunity enabled them to be successful and they ended up creating some fantastic pieces.

Once the class had chosen their final designs they enlarged them onto a nice plain piece of paper and coloured them in. We looked at some more examples of Mackintosh's art and chose our colour palette from them.

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