Monday, 16 January 2017

Help! My fibula hurts!

We have continued our exploration of the organs and bones in the human body.
First we recapped what we had learnt about lungs and ribs last week - the children needed a bit of encouragement to talk about breathing being important for bringing in oxygen but showed a good understanding of this concept by the end of the lesson.

We then did an activity to see who had the biggest lung capacity in the class. It was important to explicitly tell the students we were talking about lung capacity not just who had the biggest lungs. The idea for the lesson came from some online searching. I found the website blogshewrote and the post about measuring lung capacity. I felt that this was a good activity as we had covered measuring last term and it required relatively little resources.
The students were instructed to use one breath and to fill their balloon as much as they could with that breath. We made our predictions before we started and I said I thought the child who talked the most would have the biggest. After the initial excitement of being given a balloon the class soon settled down to see who had the biggest lung capacity.

They really enjoyed this activity and it was good to see them getting a bit more practice at measuring too. The results ranged from 15cm through to 53cm and it was great to end up with a 'winner' at the end.

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